
Martin McPhee

Senior Vice President

Cisco Consulting Services

Martin McPhee's Cisco bio can be found on The Network


June 24, 2015


At the Center of the Digital Vortex: Chaos, Disruption, and Opportunity

The only thing that remains constant is change. It’s an old adage. While it has always been true, it’s especially relevant now. Today’s pace of technology change is akin to a vortex, relentlessly and chaotically sweeping everything into its spiral path, demanding digitization. As with a real vortex…

February 11, 2015


Fast IT: Capturing True Value for the Digital Enterprise

Today’s CIOs lead in a world where rapid innovation is the key to success and disruption is a constant threat. Now, more than ever, technology is one of the biggest drivers of achieving successful business outcomes. In this new era of Internet of Everything (IoE) computing, CIOs are being called upo…